
Part Numbers

Part Number : ZGS-15000-3 v1

NSN : 3950-01-580-1775

Magnetic Rescue Hoist Wire Rope Inspection System (MagSens)

The MagSens can be purchased separately or supplied as an integral part with the ZGS-10000-5 Hydraulic RHGSE, or ZGS-11000-4 Manual RHGSE, or ZGS-11300-2 Electric RHGSE.

Spare Parts List

Download Spare Parts List

Training Presentations

Training Videos

MagSens Overview 2015-04-16

Comparing MagSens Test Data 2014-04-16

MagSens Significant Data 2014-04-16

Setting Up MagSens Software To Aquire Data 2014-04-16

Data Galleries

Baseline (every wire rope will have a different baseline)

  • Baseline(example)

  • Baseline(example2)

Weld Indications

  • Welds Corroding

  • External Weld

  • Weld Indication

  • Weld Trace

  • Salt Entrainment and weld trace


  • Extreme Abrasion

  • Abrasion

Broken and Nicked Wire(s)

  • Broken Wire (intentionally made for training)

  • Internal Broken & Nicked Wire

  • Broken Wire

  • Two Broken Wires (Intentionally Made for Training)

  • Multiple Broken Wires

  • Nicked Wire (Intentionally made for training)

  • Nicked Wire

  • Broken Wires due to Abrasion

  • cut internal wire rope core trace

  • Two broken wires trace

  • 2 Nicked wires in center strand trace

Broken Strand ( A strand has 7 wires)

  • Broken Strand

  • Internal Broken Strand

  • Internal Cut strand

Other Indications

  • Internal Hoist damage

Do you have data from your MagSens that could help the community? Share it here.

Warranty Registration Card

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